Monday, February 9, 2009

S2 APUSH Day 3

Ch. 30 PRICES due

Ch. 30 Reading Quiz

Notes on:
EQ4: What were the causes of WWI in Europe?
-Discuss long range and short term causes of WWI
EQ5: Woodrow Wilson was re-elected on the slogan that he "kept us out of the war". Yet, a year later he asked Congress to declare war. What accounts for this change?
-Discuss reasons for submarine warfare, Sussex Pledge, Zimmerman note

The Century video: Causes of WWI, trench warfare

Notes on:
-Tactics behind technology with deadly consequences
-War mobilization

S2 APUSH Day 2

Notes on:
-Spanish-American War

Debate over the Annexation of the Philippines using packet to draw arguments from

Notes on:
-Big Stick Diplomacy (TR)
-Dollar Diplomacy (Taft)
-Moral Diplomacy (Wilson)

S2 APUSH Day 1

Ch. 27 PRICES due

Ch. 27 Reading Quiz

Notes on
-Causes of imperialism
-Read excerpt from Mahan's The Influence of Seapower Upon History, take notes on key points
-US Imperialism in the 1890s (Am. Samoa, Venezuela Dispute, Hawaii, Open Door in China, Japan under TR)