Tuesday, October 13, 2009

S1, APUSH Day 13

1. Chapter 13 Quiz
2. Dartmouth SOAPS
3. Jefferson DBQ -student groups do document analysis
4. Class discussion on theses and document analysis
5. Notes
A. Adams and the Corrupt Bargain
B. Election of 1828
C. Tariff Crisis

S1, APUSH Day 12

EQ: What events upset the new nationalism and the "Era of Good Feelings"?
J. Sectional Balance and the Missouri Compromise
K. Marshall Supreme Court and Judicial Nationalism
1. Fletcher v. Peck
2. McCollough v. Maryland
3. Dartmouth College v. Woodward
4. Cohens v. Virginia
5. Gibbons v. Odgen
L. Foreign Policy post the War of 1812
1. Rush-Bagot Treaty
2. Treaty of 1818
3. Adams-Onis (Florida Purchase) Treaty
4. Monroe Doctrine

Start Document Inferencing Activity for Jefferson DBQ
1. Students brainstorm list in groups
2. Students brainstorm a thesis
3. Students write a paragraph framing their argument for an intro

S1, APUSH Day 11

EQ: Why did the US go to war with Britain and not France?
A. Causes of the War of 1812
B. War Hawks and the Beginnings of Nationalism
C. War in the North/Canada/Great Lakes
D. War on the Atlantic Seaboard
E. War in the South and the Battle of New Orleans
F. Treaty of Ghent
G. Hartford Convention
H. Era of Good Feelings
I. The American System

S1, APUSH Day 10

1. Chapter 11 Quiz
2. Lecture Notes:
A. Revolution of 1800
B. Midnight Appointments/Marbury v. Madison
C. Tripolitan War
D. Louisiana Purchase
E. Burr Conspiracies
F. Madison's Actions/Causes of War of 1812

Friday, October 2, 2009

S1, APUSH Day 9

1. Chapter 11 Quiz
2. Go over Unit II Test
3. Hand out grades
4. Colonies by 1763 writing activity
5. Notes:
A. Revolution of 1800
B. Marshall, the USSC, and Marbury v. Madison

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

S1, APUSH Day 8

1.  Notes on Hamilton's Economic Program, Alien and Sedition Acts, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, and the Two Party system coming from the French Revolution

2.  Unit 2 Test.

S1, APUSH Day 7

1.  Chapter 10 Quiz

2.  Return 50 state/physical features test
3.  Handout on Articles of Confederation-successes and failures
     Discuss highlights
4.  Handout on Federalists and Anti-Federalists, comparison between Articles and Constitution
5.  Online review chat-Monday night @ 8:30 pm
Reminder:  Unit 2 Test next class

S1, APUSH Day 6

1.  Test over 50 states and Physical Features

2.  Finish Key Events in the American Revolution
3.  Review Chapter 9 Quiz

S1, APUSH Day 5

1.  Chapter 9 Quiz

2.  Notes over Key Events in American Revolution
3.  Two Accounts of the Boston Massacre

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

S1, APUSH Day 4

1. Review Ch. 8 Quiz
2. Immediate/Deeper Causes of the American Revolution notes
3. 2005 DBQ Document Inferencing Activity "French and Indian War"
4. Revolution notes

S1, APUSH Day 3

1. Turn in Chapter 8 SPIRE notes
2. Chapter 8 Quiz
3. Hand back, go over summer test
4. Notes: Religious and Political development of the colonies, 1650-1763.
'93 DBQ document exercise "Ships Lists" analysis

S1, APUSH Day 2

1. Explain website, chat, other resources
2. Intro notes: Why did Europeans (as nation-states or individuals) colonize North America?
a. Material opportunity
b. Religious Freedom
3. Turn in Summer Reading Assignment
4. Summer Reading Test

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

S1, APUSH Day 1

  1. Syllabus / Classroom expectations
  2. How to do S.P.I.R.E. notes
  3. Reminders: AMSCO book, get a notebook, Parent Meeting E.C.
  4. HW-Ch. 8 for two classes from now (Tues/Wed); Write a letter to Mr. Pate-your schedule, etc.
  5. Start introduction notes

Monday, February 9, 2009

S2 APUSH Day 3

Ch. 30 PRICES due

Ch. 30 Reading Quiz

Notes on:
EQ4: What were the causes of WWI in Europe?
-Discuss long range and short term causes of WWI
EQ5: Woodrow Wilson was re-elected on the slogan that he "kept us out of the war". Yet, a year later he asked Congress to declare war. What accounts for this change?
-Discuss reasons for submarine warfare, Sussex Pledge, Zimmerman note

The Century video: Causes of WWI, trench warfare

Notes on:
-Tactics behind technology with deadly consequences
-War mobilization

S2 APUSH Day 2

Notes on:
-Spanish-American War

Debate over the Annexation of the Philippines using packet to draw arguments from

Notes on:
-Big Stick Diplomacy (TR)
-Dollar Diplomacy (Taft)
-Moral Diplomacy (Wilson)

S2 APUSH Day 1

Ch. 27 PRICES due

Ch. 27 Reading Quiz

Notes on
-Causes of imperialism
-Read excerpt from Mahan's The Influence of Seapower Upon History, take notes on key points
-US Imperialism in the 1890s (Am. Samoa, Venezuela Dispute, Hawaii, Open Door in China, Japan under TR)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Second Semester Plan

Each day of second semester, Mr. Pate will post the lesson activities that occurred. If you miss class due to illness, emergency or school activity and you need to find out what you missed, by looking at this blog you will see what needs to be made up. You can write down what you need, and then come ask Mr. Pate specifically for it. If the class took notes, you can ask a friend for their notes, etc.